The kibbled form of pet food, far from representing an ideal format for pet food, went into widespread usage purely because of the vegetable-matter based character of commercial foods. Vegetable matter requires high levels of processing for it to become even marginally usable by carnivores, and the extrusion method through which kibble is produced offers the necessary levels of heat, steam and pressure.
Beef muscle-meat is one of Nature's most nutritious and concentrated sources of high quality animal protein. Adding ABADY Natural Electives Ground Real Beef Muscle-Meat for dogs & cats to your pet's ration every day helps insure sound growth, proper musculoskeletal development, good health, and resistance to disease and parasites.
Reviews (8)
Michael Baumann
May 08, 2022
The breeder from near buffalo ny told us about her feeding her dogs only abady when we got our first dog (flat-coated retriever) from her around 2005 after we had moved out of manhattan to brooklyn. since then abady is the food of choice for our dogs. after we moved to the country we decided to order from abady direct - it's easy and convenient. besides the (granular!) abady 35 pound box 'maintenance formula' we order dried liver, lung or heart snacks. the dogs love it.
Juanita Marshall
Mar 30, 2022
J. D.
Nov 17, 2021
I. Will Shine
Oct 07, 2021
Steve Pereira
Mar 29, 2021
A great dog Trainer told me about Abady about 20 + years ago I resisted and thought, nah, very expensive, he persisted and gave me a box and said try it, if you don't like it after 30 days of using it don't pay me for it I paid the man in 30 days Been using it ever since I guess "Try it you'll like it" applies to this Quality Food It's twice the price but you feed much less so it's really a competitively priced quality food Thanks for the Great Product and the always outstanding service Steve Pereira Sierra Dobie Farms Memphis Tennessee
Chris Jensen
Mar 26, 2021
Melissa Carlin
Mar 07, 2021
Al Small Cuba
May 07, 2020