We're proud to say that the Wet Pets staff was selected to take and have completed the Platinum Certification Training. We sell a comprehensive line of aquariums, ponds,provides, fresh and frozen food at extremely reasonable prices. We have over one hundred tanks of fish individually filtered so that our clients are purchasing the healthiest fish for their aquariums.
Ej Lamiotte — I would never recommend this place to anyone. A lot of people I know in the hobby recommended this place to me, said it was
Over 150 freshwater aquariums with 300+ varieties of common, exotic, tropical fish, and more! Stop by and check out our SUPER selection of freshwater tropical fish from all over the world! Animal City carries a large selection of locally bred livestock including guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, and ferrets.
Totally Kayla — Awesome place! They have everything you need for your pets and they will adopt certain breeds of animals when they are in
We've been processing human grade quality meats since 1942 and 20 years ago we brought that knowledge and experience to the creation of species appropriate, meat-based diets and treats for companion animals. All Bravo products are based upon simple, limited ingredient formulas that mirror the health-promoting diets designed by nature.