Paws at Home specializes in premium pet care, because nothing else will do. We care for the friendly paws, claws, feathers, and fins, as well as the more exotic members of your family.
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While you are away from home, Paws at Home LLC will take your place as a responsible, loving, and endearing guardian to your pets. We promise to always be patient with the rambunctious, stern with the troublemakers, affectionate with the cuddlers, and to never be intimidating or overpowering. We will always strive to be the very best substitute for you while you are away.
Whether you're already accustomed to taking advantage of the specialized care offered by a professional pet sitter, or you're entirely new to the process, we can answer all of your questions. What if I live just a few miles outside your service area? Please send us your information via the Contact Us page and we can do an evaluation of whether we will be able to service your location.
Reviews (1)
Michael C.
Jul 27, 2011
Sean first cared for my cats when my wife and I went on our honeymoon. I was really impressed by how well-adjusted the cats were when we came home after a few weeks. I was worried that the cats would be scared and lonely, but clearly Sean took the time to visit with them each day and care for them in a manner that made him a friend to them for life. My only regret is that I think they might like him BETTER than me now. I couldn't recommend Sean more highly.