Our dogs are active participants in Conformation & Obedience. We are very proud to say we've trained and produced dogs who have obtained titles in every AKC event but more importantly we have produced multiple therapy & service dogs.
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Newman is from our very special frozen semen breeding between Kenzie and Nova. He is a moderate, "honest" dog with an easy-going and sweet personality, like his Dad! His beautiful head leads to a strong neck and well laid back shoulders followed by a well-muscled body and strong topline. His croup is slightly sloping leading to a tail that is never carried high.
We are a small hobby breeder and all of our dogs are part of the family! We are members in good standing of. All of our litters are planned months in advanced (sometimes more!) and pedigrees are researched back 5+ generations to ensure healthy, happy, and sound puppies capable of competing in all aspects of AKC events but most importantly loving family companions!
Fighter, definition: a person or animal who does not easily admit defeat in spite of difficulties or opposition. That was Sorbet. Diagnosed with taurine-deficient dilated cardiomyopathy in 2015, she was already in congestive heart failure and given 3-4 months to live. She survived! Thrown another short prognosis of Lymphoma in March, she again beat the odds and made it 6 more months and another fun season in her favorite place, the pool. She had her dinner Tuesday night, crawled into bed with my parents (who she lived with, and was loved by), and that was it.

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