PET Au Pair provides professional in-home pet care and dog walking services for NH in the Rochester, Dover, Barrington, and Farmington area. Happiness is a good walk! Your dog waits all day for you to come home and give them one of the things they love and need -- a good walk! Most people work full-time and realize it is impossible to meet all of what your dog needs without some help.
PET Au Pair provides peace of mind knowing that your dog is receiving exercise, companionship and a much needed potty break.
PET Au Pair provides peace of mind knowing that your dog is receiving exercise, companionship and a much needed potty break.
Your home is your pet's castle! Allow your pet to stay in its comfortable and secure home by choosing PET Au Pair to come to you. Feel good knowing that your pets are all fed, walked and given TLC while you take your vacation or spend a weekend away. As animal lovers, we look forward to providing caring, comforting visits with your pets.
Happiness is a good walk! As a responsible dog owner, you may need a dog walker for various reasons: maybe you are going out of town for the day for business, a wedding or visiting with relatives and are not able to take your dog. Perhaps you need to stay late at work or want to make time for yourself at the gym or make dinner arrangements.

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